What is a child’s future worth?
Abuse and neglect dismantle the lives of thousands of children in Montana every year. Because of the trauma they’ve endured, these kids are stuck in a state of fear and brokenness. Alone, these children have little hope of breaking the chains that bind them, robbing them of their futures before they even begin.
But a family changes everything. A family means someone is there to rock a frightened little girl when she wakes from a nightmare. A family means someone is there to show a teenage boy how a true father loves his son. Only a family can open the door to healing and guide these precious children into a brighter tomorrow.
These children need your help to find their families. Donate today and play your part in God’s plan to give them hope and a future. We can’t do it without you.

Give With Confidence
The heart of Child Bridge is to find a family for every child. In our pursuit of this vision, we aim for full transparency in how we operate and where your donations go. That’s why we partner with reputable organizations like the Christian Alliance for Orphans to give our supporters clear insight into the work they’re funding. When you give to Child Bridge, you can give confidently, knowing that 100% of your donation goes toward achieving the mission of finding and equipping families to care for children who’ve suffered abuse and neglect.
The Pier is a community of faithful allies, joining together to change the lives of abused and neglected kids across Montana.
Through their monthly giving, these bold believers act upon God’s calling to defend the defenseless by caring for the vulnerable children in their communities.

More ways to give
Honor Someone Special
Celebrate someone you love by making a real difference on their behalf.
Legacy Giving
Change lives for generations to come by including Child Bridge in your will.
Give By Check or Stock
Choose from a variety of ways to support the mission of Child Bridge.